Wow, it’s already been four months since I got to work at the smOffice!
Earth to Kids continues to progress at warp speed and none of it would be possible without the support of my team, the great companies we’ve partnered with, the smOffice sponsors and mentors… I am SO grateful and SO excited for everything that’s happened and everything to come.
So where did we leave off? Well I was experiencing some challenges navigating manufacturing options, and I’m happy to say that we not only found a great co-packer to work with, but one right here in Barrie!! They’re certified organic, kosher and gluten-free, too! Together with our co-packer he have purchased and received the equipment we need to produce our chickpea pasta in large quantities! Woohoo!
If you haven’t heard too much about our pasta line, it’s called Chickapea and it’s awesome! Made from organic chickpeas and chia seeds – that’s it! It looks like pasta, tastes like pasta, but it’s waaaaay healthier. Just like eating a bowl of chickpeas, but yummier. AND it cooks in half the time of traditional pasta so it’s perfect for moms and people on the go
To help us launch this exciting product, we were VERY fortunate to receive funding grants through both VentureLAB and the Ontario Centres for Excellence!
You can read more about these super helpful grants and how they’re going to help get Chickapea into stores near you, here.
The Chickapea logo and cute little bird creature was created by Rhubarb Media, a sponsor of the smOffice competition. Chad and his team have been so fun to work with and they not only created our logos, but have designed our marketing materials, and are currently working on our website and our packaging design!
Another wonderful company we’re working with, which is also a smOffice sponsor, is Catalyst Communications Choreography. Amanda and her team have really helped me tune into my customer, understand their wants and needs, and are now heading up our social media and communications strategy. As a team of women, most of which are moms, they really get me and my desire to help other moms by making mealtime easier and more fun.

Catalyst PR and Rhubarb Media brainstorming with Shelby about Chickapea
Both Rhubarb and Catalyst work out of the Creative Space in Barrie, which makes it super easy to all get together, brainstorm, get on the same page and execute. It’s like having my whole team in one place and I love it!
The next big thing on the agenda is our Kickstarter Campaign! We’ve been working really hard to create the best campaign possible and I’m excited to share that it will launch on Oct. 8th! The support from this campaign will help us in so many ways and contributors will be the first to receive Chickapea Pasta. Please check out our video and support us here.

So as you can see, it’s been a busy few months!
Between all these events, I’ve had some incredible and motivating meetings with Invest Barrie, VentureLAB, Stephen Jones of BDO, Craig Busch of Busch Systems, and of course, have had a comfy and stylin’ place to rest my head between all the craziness thanks to Todd Palmer and team at Pratt Homes Barrie. I look forward to connecting with the other sponsors this month so stay tuned! All of this support has put my dreams within reach, and I continue to thank my lucky stars each and everyday to have this opportunity.
Don’t miss out on any Chickapea news or updates. Visit our website at and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
Until next time,
Thanks to all our SPONSORS!
Our Sponsors
We’re excited so many companies believe in entrepreurs and growing the culture of small business.
They are ready to rock this contest!