CategoriessmOffice Month 2 Update for getWyred
Beginning and Ending with Product-Market Fit. To kick off our second month with smOffice, the team met up with our sponsor Tyger Shark to go over the business plan we intend to use for showing investors the potential return that getWyred will bring them. The main thing they advised us to focus on was finalizing a great prototype to show people what the app could do in a clear, simple way. Thankfully,…
VertaGro: Finding Amazing Focus 1 Month In
We have now been in smOffice for 1 month! I am so grateful to have been chosen to be one of the local winners along with Liam Squires. I have been working on my ideas for the past 3 years and I now have an amazing opportunity through The Creative Space to really bring it alive. I already know how great the city of Barrie is, but now having the chance to work…
getWyred’s First Month of smOffice
Tandempark – one month in
Announcing Chickapea Pasta
Wow, it’s already been four months since I got to work at the smOffice! Earth to Kids continues to progress at warp speed and none of it would be possible without the support of my team, the great companies we’ve partnered with, the smOffice sponsors and mentors… I am SO grateful and SO excited for everything that’s happened and everything to come. So where did we leave off? Well I was experiencing some challenges navigating…