To be clear about expectations, we thought we’d jot down what we’re asking from the smOffice participant(s). The following are the organizers’ expectations:
This year is a special focus year as we’re looking to support our Indigenous community. To enter you must be a Canadian Indigenous person.
We’re looking for a company in the early stages of startup. A startup is a business in the form of a company, a partnership or temporary organization designed to search for a repeatable and scalable business model. These companies, generally newly created, are in a phase of development and research for markets. We’re looking for a company working to solve a problem where the solution is not obvious and success is not guaranteed, while still being a scalable and repeatable model.
We’d like you to be in a position/stage were we can help you launch within your six months of incubation.
1) The smOffice participant will arrive in Barrie and open the smOffice officially by Friday, June 8, 2016. The participant will finish in the smOffice on Friday, October 31, 2016.
(NOTE: This year we will be opening up the contest to three Barrie Startups! Prize package is equal.)
2) The participant will utilize the smOffice space a minimum of 25 hours per week.
3) The participant will commit to positively sharing on their blog and social media at least three times a week about their experience and tagging as many of the smOffice partners and sponsors as possible.
4) The participant will commit to not speaking negatively about their sponsors whether in person or on social media. If there are any issues, you will speak directly to the smOffice leadership.
5) The participant will add intrigue, excitement, and fun to our downtown with his/her presence in the smOffice storefront. Barrie isn’t boring, you shouldn’t be boring either!
6) The participant will blog/Tweet/Facebook about his/her experience throughout the six months of the smOffice. We want to hear about life in Barrie through your eyes.
7) The participant will receive introductions to successful GBA (Greater Barrie Area) entrepreneurs. We’re here to help you build a robust network with as many of the other startups in the GBA as possible.
8) The participant will receive extra perks such as tickets to sporting events, music and entertainment venues, and more. Building a company in Barrie is fun, by the way.
9) The participant will receive access and introductions to area venture capitalists and angel investors. Gotta have mullah.
10) The participant will receive introductions and support from attorneys, accountants, and marketing experts with thorough experience and understanding of startups. Free assistance? Can’t beat it.