I think writing something as significant as a business plan requires the right atmosphere. The moment you open the doors to The Creative Space you stumble upon a haven for those kindred, the Entrepreneur. The soft alternative rock lulls you into the comfort of your seat, the glare of the screen is offset by the soft glow of the small lamp on the table and in front of your computer. Things are peaceful here and in the third month, Left B Agency needed focus, determination, and development that this space provided.
The business plan is a daunting document. You attend the seminars, fill your nights with researching and pray that some of it will really make sense and take off. I felt like this part of the plan, the writing of the plan was going to be a scary experience. It was time to get real and make sense of all the thoughts in your head. It was time to expose yourself amongst people you had never dreamed would be your peers. After the first review of my assigned task, I was nervous, back-peddling on my ideas and allowing myself to second guess myself. It’s been an interesting journey in learning the emotions that come along with starting something brand new like a business. Amongst all those confusing feelings I was able to see the silver lining. People believed in my ideas, I had a team behind my back or at my side, that was willing to share and give me what I needed to build my dream.
I felt rejuvenated in those realizations.
My time spent in The Creative Space in August turned those first few sentences of my ideas into an 18-page document that makes sense of it all. Now, I have a financial plan that looks into the future, one that can lead me in the direction that helps me enjoy life and do something that I love for a living. The business plan is set to be completed by September 17th and handed over for review to City Hall’s small business program, Starter Company Plus. In those next stages, I can be eligible to meet with a panel to discuss my plan and could win a substantial contribution towards startup costs. From the beginning of this entire process, completing this plan and the presentation of it has been one of my top goals.
The future of Left B Agency has lots to encounter but it’s the first step is in acquiring additional training. September 27th is the first class of the Adobe Suite for Design Productions course at Georgian College. Studies will enhance the services of content creation for social media and marketing. A big thank you to The Barrie Native Friendship Centre for seeing worth in this request and helping fund this.
Have you seen the new logo or business card yet? Thank you, Rhubarb Media, for all the hard work done by your team while creating this super creative look that leaves people asking “tell me the story behind Left B Agency?”
Next report I will update the status of my business plan and the first month into the course.
Shannon, Left B Agency